Angie Bear
Muskoday First Nation, Saskatchewan
From a long line of medicine people, Angie shares traditional teachings with those in need. Throughout her career she has empowered women, and helped the families and friends of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls and Two-Spirit people heal from their grief.
Ceremony has shaped how Angie sees and lives in the world. It has helped her be a supportive mother and grandmother, driven her community work and grounded her while she worked as an actress on North of Sixty.

“It’s the thing that’s been able to help me do all of the hard work that I’ve done. I strongly believe in the ceremonies because over the years I’ve seen that change people’s lives. It’s changed my life.”

Angie continues to help her children, grandchildren and community heal from the intergenerational trauma that residential schools has caused them by passing on her knowledge and encouraging the next generation to learn about ceremonies.