She is Indigenous



Like many people in Canada, Pearl did not grow up with her Indigenous heritage. As an adult, she traced her mother’s Métis roots and with the support of her lifelong friend Val, she embraces her culture, and she is now recognized as a Métis Elder.

About this video: Métis in Ontario

This video was filmed in Bowmanville, on the territory of the Mississauga’s of Scugog Island First Nation who have inhabited this region since the 1700s.

Pearl is a member of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) and councillor for the Oshawa Region Community. In 2017, she was a member of the MNO Commission on Métis Rights and Self-Government, travelling across the province to understand the aspirations and needs of Métis in Ontario.

The Métis Nation is comprised of descendants of people born of relations between Indian women and European men. The initial offspring of these unions were of mixed ancestry. The genesis of a new Aboriginal people called the Métis resulted from the subsequent intermarriage of these mixed ancestry individuals. (definition from the Métis Nation of Ontario)

Learn more about Métis peoples by following the links on our resources page.

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